
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler ranks as one of the top comedy duos of all time. They are right up there with Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello and Cheech & Chong. It doesn’t matter if they are doing “Saturday Night Live,” hosting the Golden Globes or starring in a movie, they always create comedy gold. Unfortunately, that trend ends today, December 18 with their new movie “Sisters.”

“Sisters” marks a role reversal for the two actresses. Ordinarily we see Tina Fey play the straight laced character while Amy Poehler plays more of the wild child/silly part. The two plays sisters (obviously), Kate (Fey) and Maura (Poehler) who want to throw one last party with their high school friends to help recapture their youth.

The pitch of Fey and Poehler teaming up for a movie should be enough for any investor to throw their money at the project. Add that the movie would be in the spirit of “Bridesmaids” and it sounds like a comedy classic in the making. Sadly, “Sisters” does not contain the spirit of that movie. In fact, the whole thing was disastrous and annoying.

It mostly comes down to the script written by Paula Pell and old SNL writer who also wrote a couple of episodes of “30 Rock.” This is her first foray into feature films and she strikes out badly here. Movies are a whole new beast. It does appear she tried to recapture the magic “Bridesmaids” caught instead of trying to craft her own original screenplay. An example would be when we hear Kate drop F-bombs. They feel artificial. As if the only reason they are in there is to help get a rated R movie and maybe a laugh (which it doesn’t get). There has to be a better reason than trying to establish this will be a raunchy movie and given Pell’s experience as a writer, she should know better too.

This does not mean “Sisters” is completely devoid of laughs (although it comes pretty close). There is only one, laugh out loud hysterical scene in the movie and a couple of more laughs sprinkled in, but nothing better than that. There’s a little heart to the movie too, but again, only a little.

“Sisters” does have some balls in that it is opening against “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Maybe the studio figured it would be great counter-programming or that if Star Wars was sold out, people may come see their movie. Don’t do that! You will be better off sitting in the lobby for two hours waiting for the next showing than see this bomb of a movie. If the studio was smart they would have opened last week against “In the Heart of the Sea.” Now that would have been great counter-programming. Which ever executive made that decision should lose their job and it should not be up to us to bail them out.