When I was five-years-old my dad took me and my little brother to see “Jaws” on a Sunday afternoon in Port Washington, New York. It scared me beyond belief! That night I slept in a little ball because I was afraid if I put my legs out the shark would bite them off, and was certain the blue carpet in my room would turn to water while I slept and the shark would get me then. Little did I know that while I lied there in my bed terrified, a seed had been planted.
I wrote my first full length screenplay when I was fifteen-years old, a version of “A Nightmare on Elm Street 3”. New Line Cinema did not use this screenplay for their third installment to their famous franchise, but they were very impressed by my work. So much so, that they agreed to keep reading any future screenplays I wrote without an agent and they even gave me a production assistant job once I got to college on “Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III”. I later graduated from Ithaca College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Film.