The Director is an important asset to any movie. About twelve years ago, studios started hiring film directors who made one good independent film. They drafted these Directors to work on their blockbuster projects. For example Marc Webb who directed “500 Days of Summer” was given The Amazing Spider-Man franchise. As a result Andrew Garfield never got his third solo Spidy film. Josh Trank directed the “Fantastic Four” reboot after making “Chronicle” and that crashed and burned. Colin Trevorrow, who did the small film “Safety Not Guaranteed” was given “Jurassic World”. While the first movie was very successful, “Jurassic World” was NOT because of Trevorrow’s poor directing. One example of this is when the two boys are trying to escape the Indominus Rex. We see the dinosaur come out of the forest to get them. The boys get to a waterfall and look back to see where the dinosaur is. The next shot shows the dinosaur JUST coming out of the forest again. This is amateurish. Did the Rex forget its wallet or something that caused him to reenter and come back out of that forest?