Tina Fey did no co-host the Golden Globe Awards last night. Fans can still the comedian in her latest movie, “Sisters.” They won’t have to wait too long to see her in theaters again because “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” is only a couple of months away.
You can see the first trailer to “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” by clicking the video above. This time Tina Fey plays real life news reporter, Kim Barker. Kim worked for a big metropolitan news organization and takes an assignment over in Afghanistan. While the movie appears to have dramatic elements to it, with Fey on board, it looks pretty darn funny too. The opening of the trailer has her traveling with an army convey who has to stop because she has to pee.
“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” co-stars Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman Billy Bob Thornton and Alfred Molina. Margot Robbie star keeps rising higher and higher and it looks like she is going to nail this role too. The one negative aspect about the trailer is that it spoils something that happens to her character that should not have been given away.
Given the chance to flex some dramatic acting muscles, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” could end up being a great stepping stone for Tina Fey. We’ll find out on March 4 when the movie comes out.