Drive Angry

The movie going public is a smart group of people.  Some movie studios recognize this while others believe the contrary.  There is no doubt that 3D movies are here to stay; some are better than others.  The saddest part of the 3D boom in movies is how some movie studios take their movies that were shot in 2D and convert it into 3D for the sole purpose of making an extra buck.  Audiences have wised up and know these movies are not worth spending the extra money to see (some are not worth seeing at all).  The makers of the newest 3D movie, “Drive Angry” are well aware of all of this which is why they are marketing their new movie “Shot in 3D” to let everyone know that this movie was always intended to be seen in the third-dimension.

It is worth seeing in 3D too.  From the very first shot in the movie you can tell that this movie is going to provide some great look 3D.  Besides having bullets, explosions and cars jump off the screen at us there is some also great depth of field shots that make you sit an awe to watch.  It seems clear the long pre-production that went into this movie when it was deciding what to put into the foreground and background of every shot. 

Nicolas Cage is Milton.  A man who has done the impossible: he has escaped from Hell!  His reason is simple to exact revenge on the people who killed his daughter and kidnapped his granddaughter.  These same people plan to bring Hell to Earth.  Along for the ride with him is Piper (Amber Heard), one hot looking woman in torn jean shorts who has a hell of an attitude herself.  Hot on their trail is The Accountant (William Fichtner), who keeps track of all the souls who enter Hell, including the ones who get away.  There is also tons of law enforcement after them all as well.

A few years ago filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino gave us their “Grindhouse” double feature.  They wanted to recapture some of the grindhouse movies of the 1970s with their two movies, “Planet Terror” (directed by Rodriguez) and “Death Proof” (directed by Tarantino).  Whether they succeeded in their endeavor to recapture the exploitation films can be debated; however, the movies did not do well at the box office.  How well “Drive Angry” will perform is yet to be written, but this movie does recapture the grindhouse feel.

If you are looking for a real deep and meaningful movie go spend your money someplace else.  This movie is just going to take you for a fun ride.  You are going to experience some gratuitous violence and sex!  The movie delivers the one of the best %$#@ gunfights you ever saw (literally).  Car chases, fights, cheesy music, cheesier dialogue (“Hell is going to walk the Earth,”  “Hell already IS walking the Earth”), muscle cars and great stunt work are all present in this movie.  This movie is only out to entertain you, and if you enjoy that kind of filmmaking you will be entertained.

The movie was directed by Patrick Lussier who last directed “My Bloody Valentine 3D” which came out before the 3D boon really hit, but can be looked at as one of the reasons why the explosion happened.  He obviously took what he learned making that movie and takes things further with this one.  Lussier started his career as an editor, including on the early “Scream” movies.  He also edited “Drive Angry” to help bring the vision he had for this movie completely intact.

There was a time when multiplexes did not have enough screens to accommodate all the 3D movies hitting theaters.  Nowadays there seem to be more 3D movies on screens than there are 2D ones.  It’s good to have one 3D movie that is actually worth seeing in the format.  The movie is rated R for strong brutal violence throughout, grisly images, some graphic sexual content, nudity and language.  It is currently playing at local theaters all over South Florida.