Of all the movie monsters there have probably been more stories told about vampires than any other. The challenge is to find new ways to tell these tales to an audience who has pretty much seen it all. The guys at Radio Silence, who brought us the film “Ready or Not” and the last two “Scream” movies are ready to give it a shot with “Abigail. A group of criminals are hired to kidnap a twelve-year-old girl and hold her for ransom. Little do they know that it was all a set up and this “little girl” is a deadly vampire who just likes to play with her food.
Vampire lore can be tricky. Each story can sometimes play loose with the “rules” that govern these creatures of the night. For example, in “Abigail” a wooden stake through the heart and sunlight will kill a vampire. However, crosses and garlic do not harm them. One element that has always been universal is that they are considered undead. That is why a bullet to the head does not kill them. So, they don’t have a heartbeat but in this story after drugging Abigail she is found t have a pulse. This goes against everything in vampire lore. While not essential to the story, it is an element that can take you out of it.