Gladiator II

Movie sequels are as popular as ever. The top twelve box office movies of this year are all sequels as are fifteen of the top twenty. It’s a shame new original content rarely breaks through but for the most part that’s the story in Hollywood. “Gladiator II” is somewhat of a surprising sequel since the original Oscar winning film came out almost a quarter of a century ago, but given how movies are performing in 2024, it’s sure to be a hit.

Lucius (Paul Mescal) is a soldier who is captured and becomes a slave that must fight in the gladiator games at the coliseum in Rome. He fights not only for his freedom, but to avenge the death of his wife all the while trying to overthrow the corrupt emperors that rule. If you are thinking to yourself, “isn’t that the EXACT same plot as the original?” You are correct and can save yourself the trouble of seeing the same movie all over again.

Ridley Scott returns to direct. The movie is another epic but at this point in his career he can makes large scales projects like this in his sleep. That is not to suggest he took on this nonchalantly, but at 86-years old there is very little he hasn’t taken on when it comes to the types of projects he does. He’s conquered all the challenges one could ask in a film career. Once again The battles are spectacles. There is one where the coliseum is flooded with saltwater and the gladiators are on ships and if they fall into the water killer sharks are waiting to eat them.

There is often a suspension of disbelief when it comes to the movies and if you stop to think how the Roman empire could seal in sea water, much more capture killer sharks at that time, you would not be wrong to question it. You just must let that go and enjoy the sequence. However, the one element that is so hard to “let it go” is the two twerps who are no co-emperors. “Twerps” is the best way to describe these two little guys. How they came into power, where people obey them is preposterous.

Since Russell Crowe died in the first movie, they found another Oscar winning actor to take part in this story, Denzel Washington. Scott directed both Crowe and Washington in “American Gangster”, so they have worked together before. Denzel Washington is the more worthy antagonist and commands the screen whenever he is present.

If there was no “Gladiator” to compare “Gladiator II” to would this new entry be a better film? Perhaps. While the plot may be almost an exact replica of the original it is a story audiences still enjoy seeing. There is plenty of action here to satisfy those looking for those parts and the acting is still top notch all around. Ridley Scott is planning on making a third movie so maybe that will have a new element for us to enjoy.

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